All submitted papers should describe original work and not be published or under review anywhere.
The papers must be written in English and will be judged by at least three reviewers on the basis of their clarity, relevance, originality, and contribution.
SESoS/WDES 2021 seeks two kinds of paper submissions:
Regular paper (at most 8 pages): describing original, substantial contributions in research and/or practice, and;
Position papers and experience reports (at most 4 pages): describing emerging results, lessons learned, and open problems from concrete applications, or novel ideas and perspectives on research
The page limits include abstract, all figures, tables, and references.
All papers should follow the
IEEE Manuscript Template for Conference Proceedings for formatting and be submitted in PDF format via the
EasyChair submission system. system. LaTeX
users must use "\documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran}", without including
the "compsoc" or "compsocconf" options.
Authors of accepted papers will be asked to fill an electronic IEEE Copyright
Form and they will receive further instructions for preparing their camera-ready versions.
All accepted papers will be published in the workshop electronic proceedings in the IEEEXplore digital library upon
the mandatory registration and presentation of at least one author of each accepted paper at the workshop.